Monday, October 19, 2009

Run Week 2 - Session 1

I changed things up for week 2. I decided to do two timed loops of the upper reservoir. I started my run from home and ran to engineers gate to meet up with Jack which added an additional 10 minutes of running which was more then I had planned. I wanted to increase the time running by 10% for week 2 which I obviously ignored and I felt it. My left knee started acting up on me, I sort of knew it was going to happen. This thing just wont go away! I'm really hoping the squats and DL's for the next month really help the situation, only time will tell.

Warm Up

Foam rolling x 3
10 minute run

Timed\Monitored Run

Date\Time: 10-18-09, 6:30 PM
Time: 29:26
Distance: 3.15 Miles
Pace: 9:20
Avg HR: 154

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